Thursday 6 September 2012

Healing stitches

Moved to tackle my mending pile by Zero Waste week, I've been reminded of how good it feels to take something broken and make it whole again. Where once there were holes there is now wonky darning or patches, rips and tears have been tended to with healing stitches. This was the work our great grandmothers would have taken for granted but in this age of disposable fashion we are losing the skills we need to exist frugally.

These slippers belonged to Eli until his toes poked holes through the crochet, now with a little attention they are providing warmth and comfort for Monty whilst he is away from me at Kindergarten.

As a society we're being seduced by newness. We're constantly encouraged to spend and fill our lives with luxuries. If I can take care of our possessions and extend their life where possible I can free us a little from these temptations. We can't afford it and neither can our planet.

Click here for National Zero Waste week 2012


mrs green @myzerowaste said...

You're such a clever bunny; I'm in awe of your creativity and love your positive attitude to it all. I must admit, even though they lacked a certain finesse, I was secretly delighted with myself when I stitched a damaged seam on DD's pyjamas rather than tossing them in the textile bank :)

Alice said...

How true :-) Just this morning I was looking at my bottles of Elderberry syrup and feeling so good that we had made something from the land around us. On our morning walk, as the hole in my jeans got a little bigger, I decided that I would patch them up today instead of buying a new pair. You're right, it is so important (for our pockets and our planet) to preserve these skills of a time gone by.

Selina Gough said...

There's not a massive amount of finesse going on around here! I don't think it matters at all as long as they're fixed...if i worry too much about doing a good job I often don't it at all. It's a most satisfying feeling isn't it?

Selina Gough said...

Ah, elderberry syrup...I've been looking out for the berries but we don't have any here yet. I really want to make some syrup this year. I don't know if you saw a post I'd put up the other day with some patched jeans? Such pleasing work.